Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Killzone 3

Publisher: Sony
Developer: Guerilla Games 
Lets get the obvious out the way, Killzone 3 is a gorgeous game. By no means is it a step up from the last iteration, but that is no bad thing. Killzone 2 is still one of the best looking games around, and the third game in the series is no different.
In many ways, the developers have upped their game, environments are far more varied. Gone are the monotonous city environments, and the controls have been tightened up, making them more responsive, with the player no longer feeling as if they are moving around in syrup. Thankfully they’ve also taken out the annoying end bosses that plagued the previous title, which will be a welcome decision for all those that struggled for what seemed like an eternity during the infamous boss fight at the end of the last game.
Sadly though, the game is far from perfect. The campaign is only around 5 hours long, and when you’re spending £40.00 on the game, it is a heavy investment. This coupled with the fact that the single player campaign doesn’t really get going until you’re about halfway through, the game quickly begins to feel disappointing. Those who are interested in the Killzone universe will also be left feeling cold, character development is almost non existent, and I was left feeling indifferent as to the fate of my so called friends and allies. Don’t get me wrong, the gameplay has been significantly improved, and is a lot of fun, it just feels like all other aspects of the game have suffered as a result.
Luckily though, most people don’t buy Killzone games for the single player, what people really want to do is jump online, and Killzone does not disappoint in this respect. The tightened controls and varied environments make the online games far more interesting than the last outing.
The Warzone matchmaking mode makes a return, pitting two teams against each other, with varying objectives that include search and destroy, and assassination, which asks players to protect an assassination target from the opposing team.
Overall, Killzone 3 is an enjoyable experience. If you're looking for an immersive storyline, or weren't grabbed by the last game, then it’s unlikely that there is anything in Killzone 3 that will change your opinion. With all that said, those looking for a viable alternative to playing Call of Duty online, will find plenty to like.
  • Still looks pretty.
  • Multiplayer great.
  • Tightened controls on the last game
  • Too short
  • Poor story
  • No improvement on the last game.

This game is goergeous, but Its not a step forward for the last game, much like the game as a whole, the developers seem happy to sit back and rest on their laurels.
Best part about this game, if you can push past the initial repetetive nature of the start, there are some real gems on offer in this game.
Not good basically, the fact that there even is one is the only thing that saved this score from being lower.
Replayability (Single Player)
You wont want to play this game once youve finished it, the score ive given this may even be a bit high, but its short, so if you want to, at least it wont take you long.
Value For Money
The multiplayer in this game is great, making it worth the money if you like online shooters.
Two words: VERY GOOD.
Not a bad game just nothing special.

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